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December 21st Update

Posted: 20. Dec 2017, 20:23
by Cikala
Even when the ancestral dragon has been leveled up, you won't be able to buy more care points for the dragons. The maximum amount will stay at 5 points.

Clarification please: Is this the same as raise points in game? Currently I am able to stack up to 8 raise points to play with, pet and feed my dragon. When I started the game, that number was 6. Does this mean it's going down to 5 and will never be any higher?

Re: December 21st Update

Posted: 22. Dec 2017, 13:35
by MazMazzifyMaz
It does seem to read that way. I hope that isn't the case as it would be unfair to everyone who has been playing for a few months or more. I am sure this will be made clearer.

Re: December 21st Update

Posted: 23. Dec 2017, 00:39
by Cecili
This is how I understand it. The reservoir of tending points (those points that accumulate while you are not tending your dragons) starts at 5. The size of the reservoir can be increased by leveling up the Ancestor Dragon. Previously you could buy additional tending points beyond the timed ones in either batches of 1 or 5, now you will be able to buy them up to 5 rather than either or, so if you need 3 you can do that instead of under or over purchase with 1 or 5. This relates to the purchase method not the limits on your dragon tending.

Re: December 21st Update

Posted: 23. Dec 2017, 04:31
by Cikala
I hope we get some clarification soon. Nothing seems to be limited to 5 right now, so I'm not sure what this update did, if anything. Maybe it hasn't taken effect yet?

Re: December 21st Update

Posted: 28. Dec 2017, 05:48
by Cecili
i just checked mine and I think the update note was inaccurate. It does not take into account the ancestor dragon when it says the limit is 5 for purchase. I am able to purchase up to 7 points with water lilies (Level 2 ancestor dragon).

Re: December 21st Update

Posted: 28. Dec 2017, 06:45
by PetDragon
I am not sure if the developers etc. are on holidays or not. I will ask for clarification asap. Thank you Cikala & Cecili for bringing this to our attention.