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Maximum number of Friends permitted??

Posted: 11. Dec 2015, 19:50
by lmb62
What is the maximum number of friends permitted at any given time? I have 14 positions occupied and when an additional 2 slots were opened by contributing water-lilies, (so they were hardly free, as the text box is titled), yet when I accepted a new request, (I assumed would then have 15 positions filled)
Unfortunately, this was not the case, and feel very deceived. Not only did I waste the water-lilies, regrettably I had not written down the names of the friends and unsure who was purged, that I may apologize to them. “Do you need more slots”, “BUY” is very misleading, and request either the water-lilies I funded be returned, or compensated in some way.
Thanking you in advance for your prompt reply and a resolution
Was unsure where I should have posted this, complaints? problems?

Re: Maximum number of Friends permitted??

Posted: 11. Dec 2015, 21:46
by lmb62
number 15 has reappeared, :lol:
TY, for a prompt resolution

Re: Maximum number of Friends permitted??

Posted: 14. Dec 2015, 10:02
by Eddard
No problem ;-)