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Re: Ideas

Posted: 25. Nov 2017, 09:55
by Aramina
I sincerely apologize to Vanja, I forgot to answer you too
We were busy with nasty spammers, and I promised myself to answer you later, sorry
I am very tired these days, but I promise to be more attentive

For the problem of bad clickers, those who make 3 different plants, instead of making their 3 clicks on a single plant.
When you see that in a friend's garden, warn him, so he can see who's right before you, and who's doing the bad clicks

That way, he can expel them from his friends list ;)

Re: Ideas

Posted: 25. Nov 2017, 10:12
by PetDragon
Sometimes all it needs is a polite reminder. Remember that some of your friends may need your help and advice as they may be new members. Also some friends may be in a different time zone to you. If you have the same problem constantly with a friend and you have tried to change the situation then you have no choice but to just delete them.

Re: Ideas

Posted: 25. Nov 2017, 10:37
by Esethielle
personally, I consider that the first two times it happens, it can be accidental
but if it happens again, it's intentional ... like clicking once on a plant in 3 different gardens (plants with 4 clicks)
sometimes I buy clovers, if the plants are almost ready, because when I see that, it annoys me

Re: Ideas

Posted: 25. Nov 2017, 11:31
by MazMazzifyMaz
I rarely find this happening to my garden. My friends do their best to click on the most appropriate plants and I would like to thank everyone who helps me with my garden. Sometimes it can be difficult to work out who has left plants unclicked. I try very hard to check all open gardens and click on the plants that I can finish. If anyone has a problem with another player then I think it is always best to message them and try to explain the issue. I think many players buy extra clovers to help others but some just cannot afford it.
I am just thankful for any help.

I think the thing that annoys me more is player who doesn't fully plant their gardens. Here is where I do get a bit stricter and less patient. If a player hasn't planted for over 3 weeks then I delete them. I allow for holidays so that is why I wait 3 weeks. Same goes for a player who is in the red.

Bottom line...We will each set up what we consider acceptable in our game. There are very clear game rules about what plants to click on and which are the most important down to which are the least important so these are what must be followed.

Edit....It seems I was mistaken when I said that I had never deleted a player for not having plants to click. I have apologised to Vanja357 for this mistake and removed the statement. I am thinking of making a list of anyone I delete and the reasons for it so that this error does not happen again.

Re: Ideas

Posted: 25. Nov 2017, 11:46
by PetDragon
Sadly there will always be some people who do not consider the rules or other people. For me I like to think this is only a minimum of players and that a vast majority do the right thing. If I were to come across one of those thoughtless players and I had asked them about it and it still happened then I think the only course is to delete them as a friend. That way you can play your game without any concerns. I still feel this is a last resort.

Re: Ideas

Posted: 25. Nov 2017, 14:48
by Zolnai Melinda
I think every day when play to be better player and never have fruit how much need for all hmm ... when helping friends can we use those bracelets for anything besides changing our avatar ? For now no we not can or i don't know im in level 56 change avatar to be like i love to no change or small for Christmas but ,and have now 3763 bracelets and be more for evening when visited my friend who not active now ....and after days many more..
My idea for maybe to buy fruit for them , maybe to buy energy , or puzzle pieces to not be only for avatar ..

Thank you , and hope to like more people my ideas and maybe be in the real game not only ideas ;) :D

Re: Ideas

Posted: 25. Nov 2017, 16:40
by Aramina
what a wonderful idea
yes it would be great to be able to give gifts to our friends :D

i like Image

Re: Ideas

Posted: 25. Nov 2017, 16:58
by kaz
I agree! I'm really happy with how my avatar looks, so I have all these bracelets, just sitting there. It would be nice to be able to trade them in for something to help our game. Or to help our friends' games.

Re: Ideas

Posted: 25. Nov 2017, 17:24
by Zolnai Melinda
Thank you and im glad to like it ..

I hope to realise for game and be useful for friend to visit and help together who not do and for us because visited and help have bracelets to change to some useful in the game ...I think daily player and other not daily but love game to see reason for play and visited friends to get something for self like price because be friendly ...

Re: Ideas

Posted: 25. Nov 2017, 17:25
by Vanja357
I forgive you my chailds... :lol: :mrgreen: :D :lol:

Yes i like the ideas of Tylady and KimVM,but new garden is not inofe,how we grow the things from Brawery need more plant so we allways need more and more space,also some one say abaut space in Cloud garden thet is very nice but dont have inofe space,and thet shod remove some thing which is not nesisery so thet we get more space,if you do thet for Cloud garden pls do it same thing and for ader gardens,so we can remove Well and Bath banny if they are not some portal for next lvl or anoder space of garden.

Yes we can chek who click,but we cant see on what plant how many times,same times we can cach them and be shore who do thet,some thime we cant.It will be god to have some button which will look like a map on you garden when you click on it...evry thing look like it look,but you press button and you see names on plant,when you are in thet maping mode you cant do nothing picause it is just to chek who click on what and how many time.

I know i just give idea,you see whit devs how mach is good and how mach is posibel to make it work. all get scard of me,but (i must disappointed you) must say Helloween is over wait next year to screm... :p (you also shod make new smiles)
I know you have alot of work,thet is why i start to panic after a monts.
MazMazzifyMaz wrote: " I have never deleted a friend for this yet. "
Sorry Mazz,you deleted me,and i play evry day,all day.

And i suport thet thing whit braslate,i have a one ader idea but nvm.