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Cancel button in the Brewery

Posted: 26. Jul 2016, 18:15
by Spock
I saved up for a major potion purchase towards leveling up my garden and wanted to get the popup out of the way so I could move on to purchase some herbs. I clicked on the cancel button by mistake and only realized it when I looked at what was required to level up and found I STILL needed one more potion!

PLEASE, either return the ingredients or put up a warning message when cancel is clicked!!! :oops:

No, I don't remember which potion or what the ingredients were. I just remember it happening. I'm not looking to recoup anything, I just want to make sure it doesn't happen again ... for anyone.

Re: Cancel button in the Brewery

Posted: 27. Jul 2016, 10:05
by Eddard
Hi Spock,

thank you for noticing that. I will talk about this issue with my colleagues and tell them we need a solution.

Best regards,

Re: Cancel button in the Brewery

Posted: 28. Jul 2016, 16:18
by Spock
I just did the same thing with one of the villager quests. I meant to accept the quest but accidentally clicked on the new quest button that cost me 2 Water Lilies before I could then accept the quest!