Avatar extras

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Star Gazer
Posts: 586
Joined: 30. Oct 2017, 03:28

27. Aug 2023, 05:47

few years ago I had made a suggestion and people have asked me to make it again
The suggestion I made was to create pets as an accessory…. For example, a kitten at your feet, a dog, a parrot, may be a pony behind the avatar…

I am going to suggest to other additions
-The ability for a player to put their avatar in different poses
-Mix and match top and bottom… That would mean the player could choose a top, and then choose a different bottom… Different top suggestions would be suit coat, sweater, shirt with tie, sport jacket, halter top, long sleeve, or short sleeve shirts
Bottoms would be different types of skirts, shorts, slacks, jeans, etc. The player would have the option to purchase selections of both of these to mix-and-match.
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