I have a system after sign in to the Game. First I check all of my gardens and clear and replant them. Then I check for any guild messages I may have missed. Then I check on my dragon eggs and make sure they are growing properly. Finally, I do my potions, powder and herbs. Once my home is in order I always check the forum to see what might be going on. Over the last several days (almost two weeks) I haven't seen any new posting in the forum. I knew that was really strange as there were so many days without any posts. ?
Then today I realized that I had been signed out of the Forum. Strange, as I use the "Keep Me Signed In" button. I had to put on my thinking cap to remember that after having a problem on my computer with one of my games, I was required to clear my cache files! When that happens all automatic sign ins are turned off! After I had realized my mistake and signed back into the forum, I found all the activity I had unfortunately missed out on
I am only sharing this to save other Magoia players from making the same mistake. Always Check Your Sign In Status

If you aren't signed in you cannot see the Forum Postings.