New Friends

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27. Sep 2018, 01:56


I am seeking some new game friends. I live in California and would like my new friends to be close to the same time zone. Daily players are a must. Levels don't matter too much, but the higher the better.
I enjoy my current friends, but so many of them are from different parts of the world which makes it more difficult to try and visit their gardens to help.

If you fit the above requirements, send a friends request to Forgetmenot.

Thanks in advance!
(Forgetmenot) Live in the Present, Remember the Past, and Fear not the Future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only NOW . . .Saphira
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Herb Witch
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Location: Oz

27. Sep 2018, 12:20

Cheers for the Friend request :D
I know I live in a different time zone but I check my friends gardens at least twice a days and sometimes more.
There is always a hidden owl in knowledge
Horn Mole
Posts: 1
Joined: 13. Nov 2019, 16:39

13. Nov 2019, 16:51

Good evening from Greece . I need friends for the game.
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