Carnival riddles - general information

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Joined: 15. Dec 2022, 10:10

17. Feb 2023, 18:21

Dear Magoians,

Carnival is not only celebrated in real life, but also the many tribes of Magoia meet every year to play, celebrate and of course eat Berliners/pancakes together.
This year we are also allowed to participate.
If you want to take part in this three-day event as a clan, please include the following information in your first answer:
- Name of your clan
- ClanID (if you know it)
- the names of the two players who will send in the solutions

Every clan from the US Lotus world can participate in the event.
If you play without a clan, or if you are the only one in your clan who would like to take part in the event, you can of course enter as a single player by stating your player name, and player ID.
You will find your player ID (account ID) on the bottom right, just below your friends list.

For all players who still need a little incentive:
There is a well-filled chest with stellar sand, crystalline shards, small growth-accelerating Azurmoon visitors, some rays of light for flora and fauna and for the very diligent a few yellow lightning bolts and the chance of a floral surprise.

Follow this link to the first riddle: *click*
You'll find the second riddle here: *click*
The third riddle can be found here: *click*

Have fun racking your brains for the upcoming riddles,
your Magoia team
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Posts: 60
Joined: 15. Dec 2022, 10:10

23. Feb 2023, 22:05

Hello everybody,

I'm sorry it took a while to get your prizes all wrapped and delivered.

Additionally to the prizes you won for finding the solution for each of the riddles, there were two more prizes up for grabs:

If you entered all three rounds, you received 100 energy.
If all your answers were correct, 30 water lilies were added to your prize.

Last but not least, let me say my heartfelt thanks to Glümchen from the German domain who designed this event and who even transferred it to the English language for you.
Let's see who volunteers next time! So if you have an idea for a forum event, don't be shy - please contact dragonholt and we'll see how we can bring your idea to life.
