Halloween Day 3

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26. Oct 2018, 16:53

Don't go under a ladder. Ancient Egyptians regarded the shape of a triangle as sacred so this was blasphemy.
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26. Oct 2018, 17:18

Never Say "Happy Birthday" Too Early
Celebrating or even congratulating someone on a birthday before the day arrives brings bad luck, at least in Russia that is.
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Angele' Lee
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26. Oct 2018, 18:00

-Bobbing for Apples-
In ancient times, the apple was viewed as a sacred fruit that could be used to predict the future. Bobbing for apples is one of the traditional games used for fortune-telling on Halloween night. It was believed that the first person to pluck an apple from the water-filled bucket without using their hands would be the first to marry. If the bobber lucked out and caught an apple on the first try, it meant that they would experience true love, while those who got an apple after many tries would be fickle in their romantic endeavors. Another myth was that if a girl put her bobbed apple under her pillow on Halloween night, she would dream about her future husband.

A common source of fear, spiders make for creepy, crawly Halloween staples. They join the ranks of bats and black cats in folklore as being evil companions of witches during medieval times. One superstition held that if a spider falls into a candle-lit lamp and is consumed by the flame, witches are nearby. And if you spot a spider on Halloween, goes another superstition, it means that the spirit of a deceased loved one is watching over you.

Medieval folklore also described bats as witches' familiars, and seeing a bat on Halloween was considered to be quite an ominous sign. One myth was that if a bat was spotted flying around one's house three times, it meant that someone in that house would soon die. Another myth was that if a bat flew into your house on Halloween, it was a sign that your house was haunted because ghosts had let the bat in.
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26. Oct 2018, 18:03

The weather on a day you pick predicts your future
In Romania, the first 9 days of March are considered to be Baba Dochia’s days. People choose a day between the 1st and 9th of March, and if the weather is nice, warm and sunny that day, the rest of the year will be full of accomplishments and joy. If the day is rainy, cloudy or snowy, then you’ll be grumpy and grouchy most days of the year.
According to the myth, old lady Dochia hurried to take her sheep up in the mountains at first sight of spring. When she started her journey, she had nine coats on. Each day, the weather got warmer. So, each day, she took one layer of clothing off.
On day 9, when she reached the top of the mountain, she only had a blouse on.
Legend says; a cold wind started to blow, proving that winter had yet not passed, and Baba Dochia and her sheep froze and turned to stone.
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26. Oct 2018, 18:14

When you see a falling star make a wish and it will come true.
In the 1st century, Ptolomej had a theory that falling stars are gods who are coming down to Earth. So people of that time conclude that gods will hear them better.
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26. Oct 2018, 18:32

Breaking a mirror brings seven years of misfortune. In ancient times, some people saw the reflection of the soul, breaking a mirror was therefore to destroy the soul of its owner
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26. Oct 2018, 19:30

They say if a stranger comes to you with a hole in your pocket that your money will run out, so they made sure there were no holes in their pockets for money to run out, now that is what I been told when I was growing up.
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26. Oct 2018, 19:55

Friday the 13th: Bad Luck
One version of the origin of this superstition is that Judas Iscariot was the 13th guest at the Last Supper and Jesus was crucified on a Friday.

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26. Oct 2018, 21:18

In Greece there is a strange superstition of spitting !!!
You make the sound & gesture of spitting ( not actual spit ) 3 times upon a person .... 3 to represent the Father, the Son & the Holy spirit, this is said to ward off evil.
Used when hearing of someones bad misfortune to stop the same bad luck happening to you.
Used by fishermen to bring a good catch of fish by spitting on the nets.
Used many times on young babies to keep evil & the devil at bay.
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26. Oct 2018, 21:40

Walking under a ladder:

The shape of an open ladder is a triangle. The triangle represents life in some mythologies, and to walk through it is to tempt the Fates. You also risk waking the spirits that live in the triangle, and any evil spirits might not be happy about being disturbed.
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