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Re: Mothers Day/Weekend Event

Posted: 13. May 2018, 03:09
by Sha
My Mum is such a gentle woman, she loves animals and I think her most treasured gift is the pekineses pup I bought for her years ago, he is growing old with her, I constantly find both of them snoozing on the couch in the afternoon, no matter where my mum is Gizmo (that is his name) is never far away, he is certainly part of the family now...

Re: Mothers Day/Weekend Event

Posted: 13. May 2018, 05:29
by AngelDragonWings
today is for my nanna as she looks after me

Re: Mothers Day/Weekend Event

Posted: 13. May 2018, 05:49
by Angele' Lee
some of my favorite memories on mothers day is the times when my children had a gift for me that they made. i still have all of them even though 2 of my 3 children are grown and of on their own now. also knowing that i will always get a call from my oldest on mothers day because he lives out of state now.

Re: Mothers Day/Weekend Event

Posted: 13. May 2018, 05:52
by April525
Mother's day is both painful and beautiful in my life. Thankfully, I have wonderful children who are always thoughtful and attentive during this difficult time.

Re: Mothers Day/Weekend Event

Posted: 13. May 2018, 08:28
by moonchild
Mother's Day is one of the toughest days for me ever since I lost her to cancer
but I'm fool of good memories and one of the best was when she took me with her to India as a graduation gift,
where she volunteered as a doctor for 3 months Best and hardest experience of my life!
Gone but never forgotten I love you mom </3

Re: Mothers Day/Weekend Event

Posted: 13. May 2018, 09:29
by marizz
I do not know english so well to tell u about my mother, but i can tell she is the best mother in the world and i do my best to be the same for my son :)


Re: Mothers Day/Weekend Event

Posted: 13. May 2018, 09:43
by meme1
meme1 wrote:Mother's day is celebrated in March in my country, but I am more than happy to talk about my mum any time.
My mum passed over 28 years ago and to this day I miss her. She was the best mum in the world nothing was too much for her to do where her children was concerned (5 of us). She always put us first and loved us all so much. She and my dad (who also passed over the same year as my mum) made my world complete
I have lots of fantastic memories but one of the best ones was when I saw my mum hold my first child for the first time, so much love.

Re: Mothers Day/Weekend Event

Posted: 13. May 2018, 10:27
by Bagzoo
My mother is a tough cookie. She won't win any awards for being 'nice', 'affectionate', 'compassionate', etc. She is the only one of 7 siblings to 'get out of' poverty. She didn't give me a 'warm' childhood; but she did, through sheer force of will, pull her entire family out of poverty and managed to send me and 6 of my cousins to college. That woman is a superhero.

Re: Mothers Day/Weekend Event

Posted: 13. May 2018, 10:46
by Esethielle
The most precious gift that my son gave me was a little clay snail, he was 4 years old ... I regret that my mother is no longer there and that she did not see her grandson grow up . .. I miss her so much ...
A child should never grow up without knowing his grandparents ... So much complicity, discovery, laughter, happiness and missed memories...

I love you mom, I miss you...


Re: Mothers Day/Weekend Event

Posted: 13. May 2018, 11:27
by eveningstar
unfortunately my mum is no longer with us but with my daughter and my granddaughter the best things that I love and the ones that mean the most is when they make something themselves, because anyone can go to the shop and buy something, but when they put in the time and effort to make something I know I am loved.