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Defeater of the Shadow
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16. Jul 2018, 14:46

Please note that to receive the full prize I hope everyone will think about this game. It only requires your imagination. You have 7 days to think about it. It doesn't matter what level you are. Everyone can come up with ideas.

Sorry but if you just write one or two sentences you will not get the full prize.
Everything in life is magical, including dragons, elves, gnomes and fairies. Enjoy everything!
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16. Jul 2018, 14:49

By the moons and behind the brewery it sort of looks very icy so I would put a garden there and call it winter garden.
There will be bits of snow falling
Animals will be like a snow fox, rabbits or a mystical white Deer .
There would be like icicles, light brown grass patches, snow mushrooms that need clearing and the monsters would be the same but just like snow monsters, white in colour and furry.
What opens the new garden? A snow slug maybe
Plants would be deep blue grass, crystal roses, pink bamboo, plants that bear snowflakes etc.
There would be a waterfall with pink colours and mist
There will be areas that suddenly become covered in snow, when you clear the snow something beautiful appears like a dragon snow plant and then you use it for potions
Last edited by Shelindo on 16. Jul 2018, 15:25, edited 1 time in total.
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16. Jul 2018, 15:16

The pool under the Dragon cave could be The waterman's home.

France Prešeren, the most important slovene poet has written a poem The Waterman (Povodni mož). It is story, how the most popular girl Urška in Ljubljana doesn˙t want to dance with anyone. Then comes a beautiful man (a little pale maybe), very charming, and she decided to dance with him. They turned around and around, faster and faster and on the end, they dissapeared in green waters of pool – his home. Because, he was The Waterman
Here is movie ...

What opens the new garden?
The garden could open a dancing game. If it would be easy game, it would be necessary to dance every time, you would like to enter, just for fun. The waltz would be the best. (

What would be in your new garden?
in new garden would be colourful fish, underwater plants (Water lilies are taken, so I found Ranunculus aquatilis, second thought are corals. ) , shells , brown stones, treasures… . Fish, shels and stones could be weeds. Treasures could bring a little reward. If it would not be too difficuilt, fish and algs would move. Maybe there would be games to clear the weeds (3 in the row or treasure diving game or war ship game).If player doesn´t grow plant on clean spot, there would be weed or fish or shell or maybe treasure next day. Maybe would some people like this. (playing all this games again to clear the garden) If you dont like to play games, just plant flowers, like any other garden.

The garden atmosphere: fogy, misterious.

This garden would be solution for new players.
Last edited by mapi on 21. Jul 2018, 06:51, edited 2 times in total.
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16. Jul 2018, 16:23

Just going to start my post here and add to it as the week goes.

Lakeside garden above the waterfall
Cascade garden around/behind the base of the waterfall
Treetop garden
Aerie garden on the hill-/mountaintop

I like the idea of a garden hidden behind the waterfall. I can imagine the entrance being guarded by a mean old snapping turtle. He's mean because he's always had dreams of being a dragon and seeing all the dragons flying in and out of the little cave downstream is a constant reminder that turned into bitter resentment. The art could be a cross between a spiny snapping turtle and Smaug (from the Hobbit), with the turtle sitting on a hoard of shiny objects he found that tumbled down the waterfalls into his domain.

The garden itself could be in two parts - half just the same planting tiles as all the other gardens, and then you could introduce new 'water tiles' where you can grow a new set of aquatic plants. Atmosphere would be - dim lighting, moisture, moss, mist. The area could be populated by amphibians, water snakes, eels, etc.
Last edited by Bagzoo on 21. Jul 2018, 09:01, edited 2 times in total.
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Zolnai Melinda
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16. Jul 2018, 16:27

Rainforest Garden , in the left side brewery in to to we have for monters , Praying Mantid , Iguanas , Giant Anteater...and maybe to plants ,Ferns have many different types and Orhids ...And to open garden im use Praying Mantid ...

Waterfall Garden , in the left side from Dragon Cave to have Frog , Waterfall Centipede, Crocodile , Delphins and shells and plants Waterplants like Waterlilies and have in the world many plants and flowers what live in the water ....or rice open garden maybe Centipede

Tree Garden up in the tree , where we have Ants , Monkeys ,other Bugs and Termits for monsters ... to plants maybe some nice tree flower , or fruits like ananas ,strawberry in the garden open big monkey ....

Maybe we can not kill the monster with poison when open the new gardens we can feed them with fruits or some harvested plants ..
Last edited by Zolnai Melinda on 16. Jul 2018, 20:41, edited 1 time in total.
My english is not good but i try to write to undertstand
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16. Jul 2018, 16:34

How many places can you find that could become a new garden?

Give them all names.
1. Far left there is a waterfall I would have a garden in the pool at the bottom of this waterfall - I would call it Ocean Garden
Behind this there is a row of dark mountains - I would call this Garden of the night
Just to the left of cloud garden there is another floating garden - I would call this Garden of the skies
To the left of the quest area there is another area of land - I would call this Meadow Garden

Ocean Garden

The garden would be guarded by a sea slug and you would have to destroy this by using herb, powder and potions (similar to what we do now) to open the garden

the garden should look like the bottom of the ocean, so would be aqua colours with bubble and the floor would be sand, rocks and seaweed

The monsters that will need clearing are sea slugs, sea snails, sea cucumbers,

Creatures -anemones, sea horses, shrimps , mermaids, sea urchins

plants to grow -
mermaids hair
Red Dragons tongue
pink troll hair
purple fauchea
sea lettuce
crown of flames
Caribbean dragons breath
fern caulerpa
blue hypnea pannosa
sea lily
Irish moss
mermaids cup
sea beech
peacocks tail

The main quest would be to level up the garden. as in the other gardens as you level up other sea plants and creatures could be brought in to the game.
Other quests/game would be to find building equipment to enable players to build a home for the mermaids
Star Gazer
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16. Jul 2018, 17:10

How many places can you find that could become a new garden?
Give them all names.

Pick just one of your possible new gardens and describe it. (The list below may give you some ideas)
What opens the new garden?
What would be in your new garden?
What colours would you use?
What creatures would there be?
What sort of weeds or monsters would need clearing?
Does this garden have special games to play? If so what type?
What plants would you have growing?
What quest givers and quests would you have in the new world?
Describe any other ideas that you have for this garden.

this is something i think i touched on before.
if you click on the area to the left of the cloud garden it takes you to another village. in that village you have the opportunity to assist another "clan" (not one that plays the game but merely one that exists in the world of magoia)... there are different plants than the ones in our magoia village. you cannot use your energy, lilies, or moonmice from your village, but you will get water, apples, and starflies that work the same way in the village you are visiting. like the moon events, the game will tell you what you need to plant in order to assist the clan, how long it will take before time runs out, and the amount of time it takes to grow the plants. when the task is complete you return to your own gardens with special prizes. those prizes could be either moon mice, lilies, and energy, or something special such as a special plant with special properties, such as a flower that holds properties for us to brew a concoction with just that one flower.... like instead of fire mushroom AND red lampion for a fire powder 1, we use a certain amount of just THAT one flower. it takes the place of two or three different ingredients.

i like the elements part of magoia and i would keep that, as the world is the same here, merely a different village. therefore all the plants would have the same characteristics... fire, water, air, and light. as this would be a village to merely visit, i would keep the amount of plants at a lower number than what our village has.
the monster they deal with is only one. it is a cutworm and eats the roots of the plants just like the real ones. you find out you have this monster when a plant starts turning brown and wilts. if you do not rid the garden of the cutworm, the plants that are turning brown and wilting disappear and you lose that plant. in order to fight the monster, you must brew concoctions here too. as this is the only monster, he will come often.

in their brewery you have a paste to make. you must put the paste on each plant in order to stop the cutworm from eating your plants. only two plants are required to make that paste, but there are four to choose from to grow. some take longer to grow but are more potent. the stronger your paste, the longer the cutworm stays away, so if you have a longer growing plant, you may want the longer lasting paste on it. you must grow these paste plants as well. the cutworm does not like these plants so it is advised to grow these first, begin some brews, and then begin planting for your quest.

in addition to the paste, there is one tree that gives you a fog nut. if the cutworm appears you can use a fog nut that you harvested to toss in your garden to keep it at bay for a certain amount of time until you can make enough paste to treat your plants. the fog nut only covers a portion of the garden, so use it wisely as you choose where to put it. it does not kill the cutworm but it will stop it for a while to give you time to grow the quest plants and make more paste.

they do not have dragons as pets here but they do have a praying mantis.this is the cutworm's foe. you can call upon the praying mantis only one time per week (the week beginning when you arrive in the village) to assist with the cut worm. once you call on the mantis to help you, he needs to rest for another week before he can help you again, and this is where the paste and fog nut come in handy, to keep the worm away until the mantis comes to help.

paste plants: these are herbs: chilitongue, lunarbeam,willow wisp, and dewdrop. these are the only plants you need to brew. as you need alot of paste, they will not take that long to grow.
quest plants: for fire: firesnap, emberwreath, and hotfoot light: glowstick, starfrost, and moonsliver air: cloudcover, zephyr, and twister water: dripleaf, streamgrass, and bluemint

apples are received for successfully harvesting the required amount. there is a required amount for planting harvest. each time you harvest, the village elder will tell you what they need next. water is given for each successful plant harvested. starflies are received for every harvest with no lost plant.

walkthrough: you click on the flat area to the left of the game where the stream is and it takes you to the village of Cynoia. you are greeted by the village elder who directs you to a garden and explains the trouble they are having with the cutworm and what needs to be done to help them. you must grow a certain number of plants and keep them safe from the cutworm. only the mantis can rid the village of the worm, but you can keep the worm at bay with a brew of paste and fognuts. you should grow the plants necessary to make the paste first and after you have some paste made you can start planting the quest plants. the fognut tree is already in the garden. each time you successfully grow a certain amount of quest plants, you receive a number of water, apples, and starflies. water points work the way energy does, apples like lilies, and starflies are like moonmice. there are no friend points here, but you have the ability to purchase different clothing at a shop with your apples. you will need the water each time you use a fognut or to help the mantis.

once you grow your plants to make paste, start doing that. you can begin planting your quest plants without using the paste but the cutworm will come soon ... to heal a plant that has been injured by the cutworm you need water points. if a plant dies you need to remove it, which will cost apple points, and replace it. if you do not have enough paste for each plant, you could lose many. once all the plants the village needs are grown, your quest here is over, you receive a special plant you can use in your village. it can either give a water lily or provides a harvest that you can use in your brewery in place of two or three other ingredients. in addition, there are different clothing and perk items you can purchase with your apples. you can purchase a pet to bring with you... they have a ladybug, snail, bird, lizard, cat, or dog. there are also clothes and accessories not available in your village that you can also purchase and carry over.
you do not get experience points with this travel quest in your village, but there is a track of how quickly you do the quest in Cynoia. each return will give you more of a challenge with higher numbers and return of the cutworm more often. the sole purpose is for the other perks. the travel quest is available once every 3 months and lasts only 3 weeks.
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Stormöga 1
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16. Jul 2018, 17:45

This event is awsome. Sorry I have to work a lot this week, but I Think I have time to do this anyway.

How many places do you find that could become a new garden?

1. Mountain hill garden. On the left side of the Brewery.
2. Upper waterfall garden. On the right side, just below the quests.
3. Lower waterfall garden. Just below the rootgarden.
4. The World beyond Island garden. Beyond the hut is Beautiful montains.
5. Bridge garden. There is Three or more possibilities (bridges).
6. Stairway garden. Just under the Ancestorgrove, to the right.
7. Creek garden. just below the aqua garden.
8. Treebranch garden. Among the branches in the worldtree.
9. Treetrunk garden. On the trunk of the worldtree.
10.The market garden. On the right side of the Marketplace.
11.The pathroad garden. On the side of the paths.
12. Rivergarden. On the river, to the left side.

This is just the beginning. Comming back on wednesday.

Have a good time Stormöga.
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16. Jul 2018, 19:06

Play as tomc60025

I couldn’t decide between Vulcan/volcano type land or Poseidon/ocean type land suggested by other players. I think we could actually combine the 2. There could be a volcano placed in the mountains above the upper waterfall on the right. The garden would be where the volcano meets the water. You could even just use the existing mountain spike currently in place by the upper waterfall and just add some Lava.

The Garden could be guarded by the Kraken or maybe even an Ursula (from the little mermaid) type evil Octopus creature. Maybe could grow and hatch Phoenixes.
I could see that it has some fire imps as monsters and would take some water/ocean imps or maybe seahorses to kill the imps. Maybe have a mix where need lava imps to kill ocean imps as well as needing ocean imps to kill the lava imps.

Maybe instead of having monster show up to lock plants you could have some mini volcanos that leak lava into neighboring plant plots. It could be a continuous type flow that requires a certain amount sea horses to solidify the lava and stop the flow into the garden. You could have a mini-game that needs to be played to earn the sea horses. Something like a match 3 type game or a bubble shooter type game that has the sea horses embedded in the games screen and need to be released. You could maybe even earn moon mice this way as well. Stopping the lava flow could also be done on the same kind of concept as the infestation of the world tree only on a smaller scale.

Another variation of this could be that all the planting plots are actually water plots to grow strictly aquatic type plants. Ie. Other types of water lilies type flowers, sea weed, coral, cat tails, rice etc. and the volcano would be constantly flowing lava to try to solidify the water plots and need the mini games to get water creatures to use on the lava to cool it/solidify it before it reaches the ocean/water.

By combining the 2 worlds it would open up a complete spectrum of available color schemes. It would have the fiery oranges, reds, yellows etc. for the volcano and then it would also be able to have the intense vibrant neon colors of the tropical sea life as well. We could grow some more really cool types of corals and sea weeds. We could also grow more creatures like fire salamanders, scorpions, crabs etc.

How about also having some Merpeople, orcas, dolphins, great white sharks................
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16. Jul 2018, 20:44

I think the area behind and to the right of the ancestor grove would be good. I like the idea of an underwater garden. That only certain plants are grown. People have had great ideas so far. I really hope the developers do this.
What does it take to open the gardens? I don't know, I have been very disappointed with what it takes to open the other gardens.
There should be different monsters and bugs.
I do like the idea about the volcano. That would be cool too. Make the volcano go off, and meet the waterfalls below. To make a new garden.
Lava Slugs
Magma Moles
Flow Snakes
Erupting Aphids
Last edited by Azreah on 21. Jul 2018, 18:42, edited 1 time in total.