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Halloween Day 3

Posted: 26. Oct 2018, 11:48
by AlizAlizA
Name a superstition and the reason it became a superstition

Re: Halloween Day 3

Posted: 26. Oct 2018, 12:18
by mapi
In the Middle Ages, people believed that witches and black cats worked together. Supposedly, the devil sent the black cat to assist in the witch’s evil deeds. Additionally, witches were able to turn themselves into black cats so that they could slink around in the shadows casting spells on unsuspecting people.

Re: Halloween Day 3

Posted: 26. Oct 2018, 12:32
by meme1

Description: Do not lean a broom against a bed, or evil spirit will cast a spell on the bed; if you sweep rubbish out of a door after dark, a stranger will visit; if someone sweeps over your feet you will never get married; never take an old broom to a new house.

Origin: Medieval Europe

Re: Halloween Day 3

Posted: 26. Oct 2018, 12:36
by Sha
Here in Ireland we believe in Fairy trees: most people will say they do not believe in fairies, but they wont risk the bad luck they will get from cutting down one of these trees! It is easy to recognizable a fairy tree because it will stand alone in the middle of a field, every person who lives in the country side will have a story to tell about someone cutting down a known 'fairy trees and the bad luck that followed, so they are left alone. Hawthorn trees in particular are associated with fairies, it is also considered bad luck to bring a branch of the hawthorn into your home...

Re: Halloween Day 3

Posted: 26. Oct 2018, 13:00
by fluffdragon
Wearing an opal is bad luck. This superstition is based on the 1829 novel, "Anne of Geuerstein", by Sir Walter Scott. The story is about Lady Hermione, who is falsely accused of being a demoness, and dies shortly after a drop of holy water accidentally falls on her opal and destroys its color. The public took this to mean that this genius author was warning of the bad luck an opal can bring.

Re: Halloween Day 3

Posted: 26. Oct 2018, 13:10
by williawc
Here in Japan I have learned that when a relitave member passes, there is a final offering of rice at the "wake/funerial" and at the end the chop sticks are broken, so the spirit doesn't return.
It is very bad manners & very unlucky to stick your chopsticks up-right in rice. The unrested spirits will be attracted to it.


Re: Halloween Day 3

Posted: 26. Oct 2018, 13:18
by Darden
Find a penny, pick it up ...
And all day long, you'll have good luck. This little ditty may arise because finding money is lucky in and of itself. But it might also be a spin-off of another old rhyme, "See a pin, pick it up/ and all day long you'll have good luck/ See a pin, let it lay/ and your luck will pass away."

Re: Halloween Day 3

Posted: 26. Oct 2018, 13:19
by (Tigrisliliom)
A rabbit's foot will bring you luck
Talismans and amulets are a time-honored way of fending off evil; consider the crosses and garlic that are supposed to keep vampires at bay. Rabbit feet as talismans may hark back to early Celtic tribes in Britain. They may also arise from hoodoo, a form of African-American folk magic and superstition that blends Native American, European and African tradition.

Re: Halloween Day 3

Posted: 26. Oct 2018, 13:21
by hegyipasztor
Don't break a mirror
According to folklore, breaking a mirror is a surefire way to doom yourself to seven years of bad luck. The superstition seems to arise from the belief that mirrors don't just reflect your image; they hold bits of your soul. That belief led people in the old days of the American South to cover mirrors in a house when someone died, lest their soul be trapped inside.

Like the number three, the number seven is often associated with luck. Seven years is a long time to be unlucky, which may be why people have come up with counter-measures to free themselves after breaking a mirror. These include touching a piece of the broken mirror to a tombstone or grinding the mirror shards into powder.

Re: Halloween Day 3

Posted: 26. Oct 2018, 13:25
by Rita G.
Hanging a horseshoe in an upright “U” above a door will bring good luck and keep nightmares away.

This superstition is based on the horseshoe having 7 holes which is believed to be a lucky number and because it is made of iron that can withstand fire and therefore, believed to ward off evil spirits that may invade your dreams.