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19. Dec 2018, 05:34

I wish for my Uncles Recovery from his Illness. I wish for a friends friend to recover from heart blockage. I wish for my friends safely returning home on New Years Eve.
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19. Dec 2018, 12:50

1 I wish for people to have the happiness of friends and family around them, not just for Christmas but always. We all need help, love and support.

I wish for health and pain free days , not just for myself but for everyone. The joy of being, just being, is something we all take for granted until it isn't there. Remembering what it was like to wake up and just be able to do what ever you want was so wonderful.

Lastly, I wish all governments and our elected officials would wake up, and start doing their jobs, which is representing their people. This world is suffering right now and I feel those in power are just there for themselves, and the people that have been put them into office are seeing no benefits or help.
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19. Dec 2018, 13:37

I wish that all my family could get together for the holidays (were scattered from one end of the country to the other)
I'm flying out to see family for the holidays and I wish that there are no snow storms that will delay my flights
I wish that everyone has a good year in 2019.
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19. Dec 2018, 15:53

I wish for world peace - so tired of all the senseless killing of life that happens all over in the world
I wish for everyone to love and appreciate all the special people and loved ones in their lives as there are so many of us who are alone
I wish for 2019 to be a year filled with what each person needs in order for them to be happy.
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19. Dec 2018, 16:18

1. Salvation
2. Health
3. Prosperity
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19. Dec 2018, 19:19

health, health and health, for me, my family, my friends and for all the world
why? because is better than anything

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Angele' Lee
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19. Dec 2018, 20:29

I wish that there wasn't any abuse, neglect, or homeless animals or people.
I wish that the planet wasn't damaged by us with pollution etc.
I wish there were cures to all health related issues for people and pets.
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19. Dec 2018, 21:26

My three wishes would be for Love, Peace and Health. Because, each one contributes to my Happiness.
Rita G.
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19. Dec 2018, 22:41

What are your THREE wishes for yourself or your friends or family or for the World and why?

When I was young, my mother had a saying whenever I would say I wish. “Wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which one gets filled the fastest.” I hated that phrase and still I am not fond of it even today. Although, I understand it’s meaning now. My mother was being pragmatic and trying to teach me that hard work would help you achieve your goals faster than idle dreaming. Unfortunately, I stopped dreaming at all for a very long time. My wish for myself is to start dreaming, again. If I do this, I can set goals and work hard to achieve them. Knowing what I want or need is a great start!

My wish for my family would be for better communication skills. We would all love to be self sufficient for the most part. However, we need to learn to deal with our problems together and ask for and seek help before they become a crisis.

My wish for the world is Love. When we love, we do no harm. We help each other to the best of our ability. This makes the whole world a better place.

Merry Christmas everyone!
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20. Dec 2018, 04:42

My wish is inner peace. I think I can not want more than that. I want my family health, wealth and peace. Maybe that'll be enough :)
I wish you a Merry Christmas