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Re: How many words??

Posted: 10. Feb 2019, 14:53
by thumper
lent, tin, may, mine, veal, site, sin, love ,time ,gate,loving,mate,late,line,glee,
sand,sandy,man,dog,dig,dine,lend,end,yen, yang,
tone,one,yet,get, gin,net,let,met,meat,meet,male,mail,
lady,nine,none,mold,tea,main,vase, vines,snail,lair,
ale,stain,agents,mango,give ,game,dove,do,age,
mail,oat,goat,vote, old, mean,meal,daisy,vet,
song,alone, loan,moan,long,oatmeal,name, dog,

Re: How many words??

Posted: 10. Feb 2019, 18:15
by Seamist
Vale,Van, Go, Lent, Dam, Again, Gain, Vain, Van, Tan, Lines, Line, Games, Game, Dames, Dame, Tame, Tamed, Dates, Date, Ate, Eats, Eat, Daily, Lend, Lemon, Stine, Tin, Vines, Vine, Nine, Ten, Silent, Gone, Mine, Mines, Mined,Yield,Gold,Old, Olden, Den, Dine, Inn, Eye, Eyes, Event, Vent, Ale, Mad, Made, Maids, Gin, Stale, Stain, Engine, Engines

Re: How many words??

Posted: 10. Feb 2019, 18:30
by acufene
It's awful boring .... another word-training game??? ... Have you forgotten your imagination at home? ....boring.....boring.....boring....

Forget that many players speak very little English

Re: How many words??

Posted: 10. Feb 2019, 18:47
by Andreja
Valentines Day in Magoia

violet, violent, vanity, vase
and, ant, angel, age, agony, aliens, alone, anyone, anytime
love, lost, long, lava, lemonade, limitted, lions,
end, ego, easy,
nanny, national, nine, nasty, noise,
tide, today, television,
indian, items, images, indigo, inside, insane
sad, sin, stone, sting, silent, seven, snail, solid, song,
day, diva, detail, dove, damage, devil,
yeast, yoga, yogi
money, moist, motel, mantis, melody, mentol, mint, monday, mango,
gate, gloves, goal, god, give, gemstone,
old, omega, olive, oven, oval, one

Re: How many words??

Posted: 10. Feb 2019, 20:37
by Nykane
Alright, gonna do as many as I can, but I have a full house with lots of distractions. So I shall be editing this when I can think of more.

Game, gnome, aid, avail, anvil, tin, tins, anvils, aids, games, gnomes, time, times, gin, lent, lint, lens, dame, dime, dome, dimes, domes, age, ages, tail, tails, vine, vines, not, note, notes, name, names, sent, said, say, gone, gave, give, maid, made, violin

Re: How many words??

Posted: 10. Feb 2019, 22:40
by sylvannaro
Apple, pear, plum, strawberry, raspberry, cranberries, pineapple, apricot, peach, banana, mango, papaya, grapes, watermelon, cherry, sour cherry, kiwi, the fruit of the dragon, Kaky, Durian, Rambutan, Mangosteen, Mammee, Cherimoya, Platonia, Cocona, Safou...

Re: How many words??

Posted: 11. Feb 2019, 02:12
by blueani
Vat, vet den, dent, at, an, ago, atom, data, game, dam, dame, mat, met, men, man, mad, mag, magi, mod, vow, vent, node, mode, toad, snail, veil, vale, mail

Re: How many words??

Posted: 11. Feb 2019, 02:28
by AlizAlizA

Prize 50 water lilies

My apologies to the players who didn't like this game

Re: How many words??

Posted: 11. Feb 2019, 11:50
by AlizAlizA
Water Lilies have been delivered