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Re: Not so easy

Posted: 10. Sep 2019, 23:56
by meme1
Greater, Gerd and Gabrielle was busy looking at the weather forecast. Greater became very excited because the weather forecaster had just said that in Yorkshire tomorrow was going to be a hot and sunny day (this does not happen often in England lol) They all decided that they would go for a walk on the moors and take a picnic with them. The next day they set out on their adventure in the bright summer sun. All of a sudden Gerd bent over and gently parted the heather to show the other two that a glowing swirl was growing amid the beautiful purple heather.

They were all getting hungry so they decided to picnic under a tree which was growing by the side of a brook.
While they were eating Gabrielle saw gleam lichen growing on the rocks. She pointed them out too Greater and Gerd.

They started then debating whether it was possible to make air potions. Gerd did not think that it was possible, but Gabrielle and Greater thought that it might be possible. The next day both Greater and Gabrielle went into the brewery and tried to make air potions they where both successful in doing this. Gabrielle made air potion 3 and Greater made air potion 5.

Re: Not so easy

Posted: 11. Sep 2019, 00:14
by Seamist
Gwink wanted to have a little party for her friends in Christiansburg. She was making her Glowgrape Juice cocktail when she realized she was out of Air potions 2 and 6. So she called her friends Gerd and Ginko to help her out. They brought the potions for the cocktail, they also got some Glitter Shells to brighten up the party. They all had fabulous time enjoying each others company. It was a magical night and they couldn't wait to do it again.

Re: Not so easy

Posted: 11. Sep 2019, 00:43
by sweetpickles
Use 3 players names starting with G (Blue)

Use 2 potions starting with A (Orange)

Use 2 plants starting with G (purple)

Use your home town (Red)

Whilst relaxing in her Aqua Garden, contemplating the glistening stars overhead in the Santa Cruz sky, Forgetmenot heard a commotion coming from her front porch. She arose to investigate and found Gundohar, Gypsy Witch, and Gesiane standing at her door. As she opened the door to great them, they all started talking at once.

"It seems that a large storm is heading our way", said Gundohar. Gypsy Witch excitedly continued "It sounds as if the waves will be higher than ever before", and Gesiane grimaced as she continued with "It will completely devastate all the small creatures and little plants that thrive on the edges our our beach."

In an effort to minimize this terrible threat we all put our heads together to try and find a solution to the onslaught of expected devastation. We quickly decided to go to our beach and plant copious amounts of Glint Squid and Glitter Shell, which would help to protect the small plants and creatures who dwell there. We also started producing huge amounts of Air Powder and Air Herb at the highest level possible. The powder would help adsorb the expected overage of water, the herb would stabilize the sand dunes and also provide protection to the small creatures and plants.

We worked side by side together through the night to accomplish our goal. Exhausted upon completion, we accessed the highest sand dune and sat there waiting for the storm to hit. We all observed a rather large black cloud hovering on the horizon of the ocean. From the cloud came a very loud clap of thunder, and one jagged streak of lightning. The Cloud started to increase in size and move closer to our little beach. In a blink of an eye appeared a Weyr of Golden Dragons, so many that we couldn't count them all. With the strength of their wings and breath, they proceeded to move the black cloud deeper into the the ocean away from our beach, where it rapidly dissipated. No longer a treat thanks to the Golden Dragons!

We then had time to look closer at the work we had done, and were all struck with great pride. The beach was now bathed in sunshine and all the plants we planted were lightly waving in the warm summer breezes, and the little creatures were frolicking amongst them, as safe as safe can be.

Tired but happy, I invited them back to my garden for some Frost Flower tea and a snack of Light Puff cookies. We spent the day snacking, and napping, and grateful for very good friends and Golden Dragons!


Re: Not so easy

Posted: 11. Sep 2019, 00:49
by phryenyght
It was a fine spring day in tiny town of Whitesville. it was also the birthday of Ginko, Giotader, and Gerd's mother. After talking it over they all decided to get her a bunch of wildflowers. Heading out to the fields just outside of town, the three laughed and kicked imaginary monsters. The fields beyond town were a riot of flowers, ginko ran, laughing, picking Green lampions along the way. Meanwhile, giotader and gerd busied themselves with picking Glint flowerets. Satisfied they had a bunch, they tied it with a lovely ribbon and ran back to town and home to give their mom their present.

Re: Not so easy

Posted: 11. Sep 2019, 04:02
by williawc
Grimm Reaper, The Geeky Gamer & Gwink
Glow Heartleaf & Gleam Lichen
Air Potions 7 & 13
Las Vegas

The Geekey Gamer was so excited to start her journey in Magoia. She was young, new, excited to be in this wonderous land, growing plants, making medicines and raising dragons.
One day she needed to make Air Potion 7 and Air Potion 13 to heal a nasty gout that looked grizzly and had developed on one of her dragons! She knew she had to heal it quickly or it could turn into gangrene!!

She was scared, holding here dragon and crying. She was not yet at the level needed to make such complex potions. Just then her new friend Gwink stopped by.
Gwink, running towards her: OMG GG, what is wrong??
Geeky Gamer, with a tearfull gaze said: Look, look! My poor dragon is sick & hurt, and I am unable to help!! This is so not fair for a Jr player to be placed in this position.
Gwink stated: We will search the galaxy for the items you need, surely someone will donate them for a good cause

As they were searching and sending e-mail to all the clans the Grimm Reaper appeared.
Grimm Reaper: Perhaps I can help..?!!

Both ladies were scared (almost to death).
Geeky Gamer shouted: You can't take my dragon from me!!

Gwink got very grumphy and demanded that the Grimm Reaper leave, now!!

The Grimm Reaper spent almost an hour explaining, he was not here for the dragon's soul. But he was in fact here to help!!
Both the Geeky Gamer & Gwink thought it was some sort of gimmick and took forever to trust that the Grimm Reaper was just here to help.
He had to explain, that he was married to Lady Luck. And she was so busy with the gamers gambling in Las Vegas, she had asked him to help.

Grimm Reaper explained they could trade some Glow Heartleaf & Gleam Lichen for the cure. And passed on the details of the quest.

So Geeky Gamer & Gwink used a wheelbarrow with blankets and made a rolling bed for the sick dragon and off they went.

Once in Las Vegas, they started searching for the gothic gipsy, with a grey gecko and globins. They saw a golfer with gloves on and asked if he knew. He said no, boy what a grouch.
The girls gasped when they saw her sitting in a gazebo at the end of a gravel path, in a green forest. They galloped to her and explained everything. As she genlty pet the dragon the girls gladly gave her the Glow Heartleaf & Gleam Lichen for the cure. They uncovered the dragon, his eyes had glazed over & he was very ghostly in appearance. Geeky Game begain to cry again and Gwink held her.
The gipsy wrapped the medicine in gauze against the dragons feet, and garbled some ghoulish words too unclear to understand. She then offered the dragon some medicine to eat and he greedly gobbled it down!!

Within a few minutes the world was groovy again, dragon was giggly and playing a gloriuos game of peek-a-boo under the blankets with the Geeky Gamer.
After a few minutes, they graciously said goodbye to the gipsy and headed back home to Magoia


Re: Not so easy

Posted: 11. Sep 2019, 13:50
by mapi
Gerd, Ginko, and Gramh decided to visit the most beautiful town on earth – Ljubljana. They didn't know what to expect in this town, because they've heard there are lots of mosquitos and more night butterflies. So they decided to pack green lampions to catch mosquitos and glowgrapes and glowbows to attract the night butterflies. They wondered if there will be anything to drink at all. So they packed Air potion 1 and Air potion 2, just in case…
But in Ljubljana there are not so many mosquitos in this time of year, night butterflies have lots of town lamps to fly around and in cozy pubs along the river Ljubljanica, they were able to enjoy coffee or beer. What a nice day :D

Re: Not so easy

Posted: 11. Sep 2019, 13:52
by AlizAlizA
Game closed

Prize - 50 energy

Re: Not so easy

Posted: 11. Sep 2019, 14:10
by AlizAlizA
Energy delivered

Thank you for the stories :)

Re: Not so easy

Posted: 12. Sep 2019, 09:49
by 1Shaluv1
One day greater went to visit gizmo18 on her farm, but she wasn't there. So greater went to find Ginko to see if she had seen or heard from gizmo18. Ginko said to greater, "Haven't you heard she went to the mainland of humans to a town called Arcola. She was sad because she was only at the levl to grow green lampion and she wished to be on a level to grow green lampion II. "I am soo sad to hear that", said greater, "I know how she feels" she continued. "Don't feel that way!" Ginko insisted. "We all have been there, but with hard work and dedication we all can reach Air potion 2 and Air potion 4 in no time at all. Then Ginko reached down and picked a Bright flowers from her garden and gave it to greater. "Now blow on the flower and make a wish that gizmo18 is happy and safe and will one day return to Magoia.

Re: Not so easy

Posted: 12. Sep 2019, 14:57
by Stormöga 1
As I have planted and grow those glowing swirls I will tell you a story. I grew up in Stockholms artipelago and the Mountains of Sweden. I enjoy the Islands and the sea, and the open invironment on small Mountains, but I love the forests.
My mums name is Gerd, like the player gerd, but of course she is a woman. It is a rare Swedish girlname.
Now I live on the Swedish countryside not far from the Town called Falun.
Before I used to pick flowers and maked potions like Air potion 1 and Air potion 2. In my imagination I love to see Green lampion glowing in the dark Woods, and like spring flowers Glint flowerets sparkling with light.
Gabrielle is a good friend of mine and Ginko seems to be a good player. But I need to Think of my clanmembers and the clan is growing.
