Happy 4th July

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Herb Witch
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4. Jul 2019, 08:53

You can do either Part 1 or Part 2

Pick a state of the USA. Describe how you would make it a part of Magoia.
Where would you put it? What would it look like? What trees,animals or characters would live there?


Plant one of your gardens to celebrate the 4th July and take a screenshot for us to see.
You could do the stars and stripes or the number 4 or just the colours red white and blue etc.

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4. Jul 2019, 10:28

My version of the Stars and Stripes (only had room for 1 star :) )


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4. Jul 2019, 11:59


I can draw a star, still cannot make all blue, red and white stripes because I don't have access to a white flower yet :)
Happy 4th of July for everyone celebrating this day!

"Sweet home Alabama /Where the skies are so blue..." I think this is a suitable state for joining the Magoia land, next to the Cloud Garden :) Some magical corn and a beautiful Peach Tree could be added to usual plants and trees in Magoia. One new character can be a singing lion - looking a little bit like Lionel Richie, born in this state :)
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4. Jul 2019, 12:49

I'd pick California and put it in a Star next to the Moon events,also as an event and call it MagoiaWood (after Hollywood lol)
where we could win special stars or special flowers for magic wine-potions with extra power to destroy big monsters in our gardens maybe
or give us lilies?
Moonchild 8-)

PS: it won't let me attach my garden It says "Sorry the board attachment quota has been reached" So..if/when you fix it,let us know?
ok problem fixed Thank you @williawc
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4. Jul 2019, 12:57


I would choose Colorado, with its mountain ranges, lakes and landscapes, it fits in well with the rest of Magoia. On animals, I would like to have wild horses in the wild and a farm where I could breed Curly Horses. Huge forests and mountain ranges would encompass Colorado.
The people there would be mainly ranchers and breeders, but there should also be a university specializing in natural and agricultural science.



I have done my best and I hope you can see it ;)
On the way from school to today, much of my english has been lost, sorry .....
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4. Jul 2019, 13:42

Pick a state of the USA. Describe how you would make it a part of Magoia.
Where would you put it? What would it look like? What trees,animals or characters would live there?

i would choose Minnesota, (where i was born) 1st off Minnesota starts with an M like Magoia. there would be forests for the dragons to hide and play in. there would be beautiful new flowers by the name of lady giggles, they would have wavy little feathery wisps of lavendar and teal petals, you could make water lillies with them as they take 200 hours to harvest and you cannot speed them up. the trees are yellow, light blue and orange with long flowing leaves. the little chipmonkey hides under the flowers there. the protector of the animals is Chirpenheim, she is a cute little elf type that has pointy ears, a cute short striped tail, pink skin, that turns red if anyone tries to bother the gardens, and purple eyes, long curly emerald green hair, and a tiny gold horn with flowers on her head. i would put Minnesota near the aqua garden since it has many ponds to feel refreshed if you want to take a dip in them.

i cant screen shot on my computer but i will plant something to signify the 4th of july :)
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4. Jul 2019, 13:48

i would chose alaska
icecold: there, the ice-Plants would grow twice as fast ( like frost flowers / Frost hat / Frost grass etc )
there would be an icedragon you can grow in the cave
it would be like an great ice shelf with ice bears in the background
icicles around the picture
english is not my first language and my last lesson was a really long time ago. So please excuse my grammar or spelling errors.
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4. Jul 2019, 14:11

Pick a state of the USA. Describe how you would make it a part of Magoia.
Where would you put it? What would it look like? What trees,animals or characters would live there?

i would pick Florida - I would build it on the large floating island to the left of the small one
There would be a sea, with a sandy beach, fields for planting and a forest. There wold be rock monsters and you would remove these with the starfish you collect off the beach. There would plant Tropical plants such as - Orchids, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Angel's Trumpets Clivia and Ginger
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Stormöga 1
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4. Jul 2019, 14:58

Hello everybody!

I pick the state of Minnesota. I would call it the four season garden and will place it behind the hut. There will be four season over the year with spring, summer, fall and winter. On the spring it will grow plant as hepatica and Wood anemone, blue ones and White. (Translation will come....) And in summer there will grow daisies in all colours, The nice blue daisy for water, and the white daisy for light, and yellow and red daisy for fire. And the transparent daisy for air.
In this garden there will be mooses and elks, and wolves that would like to eat them. The wolves is lojal to there packs, and just need som cuddle to be nice.
There will also be forests with pines and firtrees.
I like to put some Vikings there with long light hair and blue eyes.
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4. Jul 2019, 15:30

The rabbit is celebrating the idenpendance day. Upper left part of the american flag.
Happy Independence Day.
