Errors on numbers displayed on garden's friends

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Taurus Dragon
Posts: 8
Joined: 12. Sep 2022, 21:41

27. May 2023, 22:54

Hi all people, glad to write, hope you are all very well.
Since the last update, 2023-05-24, I've experienced some wrong numbers displayed on friend's gardens.
On the plant is shown a number, but on the upper left corner is shown another.
The following images shows similar issues.
Not sure if there is a "rule" for this, or if it is ramdomly.
Hope this helps, best regards.
PD: sorry; I have 2 more examples, but there are bigger than the system allows.
PDD: and sorry for the poor english, :)
error_20230525_5.jpg (140.13 KiB) Viewed 3862 times
error_20230525_4.jpg (112.18 KiB) Viewed 3862 times
error_20230525_1.jpg (123.08 KiB) Viewed 3862 times
Taurus Dragon
Posts: 6
Joined: 15. Mar 2023, 22:10

28. May 2023, 08:33

Good morning juan_from_mira,

thank you very much for your message.

Have you ever cleared your browser cache and deleted your cookies?

If the problem still occurs after that, I would like to ask you to send a message to support. You can do this by clicking on the 'Support' link under your friends list in the game and also briefly describing how often you experience this error.

You can write the message in any language that is more convenient for you.

Thank you very much for your help.
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Taurus Dragon
Posts: 8
Joined: 12. Sep 2022, 21:41

3. Jun 2023, 08:57

Many thanks Avariel, what you suggested apparently solved the problem, but actually the issue continues.
A friend said to me that developers are just working on it, so we can wait news at any time.

On the meanwhile,
Hover your cursor on the plant with the number.
On the upper left of the page the plant info will appear.
It will show you the correct number of care it needs.

Thanks to Quin SilkWings who suggested me to write here again.
Best regards to all.
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